18 años ayudando a las empresas costarricenses
a elegir el mejor software

¿Qué es Procore?
Procore facilita la gestión de proyectos de construcción. Toma el control de los resultados de la construcción, minimiza los riesgos y protege las ganancias con una destacada plataforma de gestión de la construcción. Entrega proyectos a tiempo y dentro del presupuesto gestionando proyectos completos desde la palma de la mano. Procore se ejecuta en cualquier ordenador de escritorio, portátil o dispositivo móvil que tenga acceso a una conexión wifi.
¿Quién usa Procore?
Procore está diseñado para una variedad de propietarios, contratistas generales, firmas de gestión de contratos, arquitectos, firmas de diseño, firmas de ingeniería y subcontratistas especializados.
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Opinones de Procore

Gestión de proyectos
Puntos a favor:
Me facilitó el orden en todos mis proyectos.
Algunas opciones son difíciles de encontrar.
Procore en obra
Comentarios: Cumple su fucnión aunque la presentación puede mejorar.
Puntos a favor:
Se podía hacer el seguimiento a las tareas y saber quien era el responsable.
La interfaz es un poco rustica y el nivel de implementación y cubrimiento porcesos en obra es escaso.
Gestión de la construcción eficiente y perspicaz con Procore
Comentarios: Procore es un excelente software para empresas de construcción que buscan mejorar sus operaciones.
Puntos a favor:
Procore brinda excelentes perspectivas de proyectos que permiten una mejor toma de decisiones en toda la organización. Sus soluciones de plataforma también generan eficiencias en la gestión de la construcción.
Procore puede ser costoso y, sin un uso adecuado, puede no ser rentable. Lo mejor es buscar la ayuda de un consultor certificado de Procore para optimizar el ROI.
¡Un verdadero cambio de juego para la construcción!
Comentarios: Procore es simplemente la mejor opción que existe, en mi opinión.
Puntos a favor:
¡Debo decir que Procore hace que la administración de proyectos de construcción sea muy sencilla! Me encanta lo fácil que es de usar y la forma en que mantiene conectado a mi equipo. Las funciones de administración y colaboración de documentos son simplemente increíbles.
Al principio, me costó un poco acostumbrarme a Procore, por lo que los nuevos usuarios pueden sentir lo mismo. Además, desearía que fuera más barato, ya que puede ser un poco pesado para la billetera, especialmente para las empresas más pequeñas.
Software fenomenal para manejar proyectos de construcción
Comentarios: Proporciona a los equipos de gestión de proyectos un procedimiento de construcción con cierta independencia. No se necesitan más hojas de Excel, llamadas telefónicas desde la Central ni ningún otro tipo de informe para supervisar el progreso del proyecto. El paquete Procore y la herramienta de análisis nos permiten tenerlo todo controlado en segundo plano.
Puntos a favor:
Es maravilloso poder acceder a cualquier información relacionada con un proyecto con sólo tocar una pantalla. Poder saber que siempre estás consultando material actualizado es fantástico tras la transición desde el anticuado estilo de trabajo que dependía demasiado del correo electrónico, el papel y las revisiones obsoletas.
En realidad, depende de lo que se introduzca en el sistema. La formación es crucial, y esto presiona mucho a los usuarios para que comprendan a fondo el sistema a fin de aprovechar al máximo todas sus capacidades. Los humanos pueden ser perezosos, por lo que creo que deberían exigirse algunos lugares de control antes de proceder con los elementos.
Software muy apropiado para las constructoras
Puntos a favor:
Las soluciones que brinda para las contructoras son efectivas para gestionar muchos procesos internos como la ejecucion del proyecto tanto laboral como financiero.
Es un poco costoso y si no sabes usarlo o no aprendes, puede ser que no sea tan rentable para lo que lo quieras.
PROCORE, una herramienta de 10, para la gestión eficiente de tu proyecto.
Comentarios: Ha sido muy util, en el proyecto que lo utilice, te muestra una manera muy agil de llevar al dia la gestión de la obra.
Puntos a favor:
La posibilidad de estar en constante comunicación entre todas las partes interesadas en el proyecto, dueños, administrativos, y personal de campo.
Hay que pasar una curva de aprendizaje al iniciar a utilizarlo, pero luego de entender como funciona el programa es muy facil su manejo.
mi constructor
Comentarios: una mayor organización, permite conocer tu licitación desde el inicio hasta el final, entre otras cosas maravillosas.
Puntos a favor:
puedo diseñar, crear, gestionar, cotizar todo dentro de la plataforma.
no hay nada que no me guste, al contrario de encanta es de gran ayuda para nuestra empresa.

Proyectos construccion e inmobiliarios
Comentarios: Muy recomendada
Puntos a favor:
Me encantó la posibilidad de coordinar diversos proyectos de construcción e inmobiliarios nosotros.como.una Corporación que tiene servicios asesoria construccion legal contable fiscal y auditorias nos permite diseñar proyectos estrategicos para una variedad de obras de nuestros clientes
El.precio siempre es un aspecto q considerar

The future of construction projects is Procore
Comentarios: Procore is the king of remote working especially for administrative tasks. Documents are shared and stored within Procore and seamless communication across departments and teams. It keeps me ahead of all happenings in our sites. Lastly Procore integrates with so many tools which harmonize our our business workflows.
Puntos a favor:
I really had challenges using the basic project management tool for construction projects. They wouldn't fully cover all the diverse needs. Then this one-day and one of my client actually recommended Procore and in a week's time we had already deployed Procore. And I can attest that there is so much difference between Procore and those basic project management tools. Procore is crafted and tailored for the complex stuff. Having multiple sites running at the same time, we have been able to keep up with all of them without any issues. Monitoring them in every step of the cycle upto completion. Gannt charts are my best feature in Procore. They enable us to clearly represent data in a way that everyone understands and comprehends so as to be on the same page. Procore enable us keep us with accurate and realtime data on finances, budget spend , progress of projects and every other aspect of our projects. It makes it even easy to report to our seniors.
Procore is the absolute best there is. We have had a smooth ride with it, all thanks to the diverse community of Users and 24/7 support from the team
Highly Recommend for any Construction Company
Comentarios: Great experience, work flow is efficient and the grab & down feature is very time saving.
Puntos a favor:
Very user friendly, easy to learn & apply to work environment
You are unable to create a CCO from a CE that has more than one line item. This may just have to do with our company as it will not interface with Intacct.

Software Integration Problems - Sold software that wouldn't work, won't refund, won't communicate.
Comentarios: Terrible customer service, terrible management. Falsely advertises services their team can't integrate only after you have already purchased the software. The QB connector causes issues with ERP integration, cost codes, and even bidding tool requiring double the time to bid projects to break out material and labor which pulls together from all the databases. Also bidding software marks up sales tax, so all the estimators are not getting exact pricing breakout as they advertise. This could easily effect any bid that is equipment heavy.
Puntos a favor:
Initially it seemed very easy to integrate and use the software from bidding to QB integration.
Sales team upsold us with QB Connector, but failed to deliver the same functionality as shown. Sales team showed capability of QB (Online only) connector integration, using many cost codes, and the product database with labor / material. Never disclosed QB Desktop connector doesn't have the same functionality until 1.5 months after purchase when implementing software. Implementation service team finally discloses can't use the various cost codes, but also requires user to separate all material and labor for all database items, causing double the time to bid projects. Procore management refuses to respond, sitting now for 3-weeks without any communication for resolution. Software is unable to be used, and can't integrate any ERP for budgets, bids, and completely useless. Beware of this for small business owners, Procore management will strong arm you, even when their Terms and Conditions state refund is applicable when they misrepresented their product capability, therefore costing you an additional $2k for software you can't use. They will hold out and cost you money each week, after being notified through BBB of compliant and refusing to acknowledge their own integration issues.
Product can be approved
Comentarios: Overall is better than 60% b/c there are big improvements to be made after you are committed to the product.
Puntos a favor:
I like the commitment & contract writing with the ability to have current attachments that are project related automatically synced.
The customer service response & the knowledge should be approved upon especially for the price that this paid.
My experience with Procore as a small construction company
Comentarios: Everything is in one site, from scheduling to invoicing to job report with photos. Makes it easier to get an overall view of the project and of it's progress.
Puntos a favor:
It's interactivity between the users (subcontractors and project manager). I like that the subs can find all of the project info in one place and even accessible on their phone.
I could get very complicated very fast. It is important to take the classes before you start implementing it with one of your projects.
Alternativas consideradas:
Buying Procore Was a Mistake!
Comentarios: It was truly awful. Their salespeople make you think you're making the best decision possible. The second they have your money, the whole dynamic changes and you're on your own. Good luck calling their technical support line. If they answer, you'll get a person who likely has never even used Procore. Procore failed at every single level and I can't recommend enough to go with UDA ConstructionOnline. It beats Procore in every facet and their customer support is a thousand times better.
Puntos a favor:
Truthfully, nothing. I was so disgusted with the whole thing. We spent six months trying to get Procore's customer success team to get us functional but it was nothing but problems and delays. Multiple times per week we sent them messages with all the error messages we were getting and got a bunch of "We'll get back to you" type responses. Truly the worst customer service experience I've ever had.
Everything. For starters, I really disliked their refusal to refund all the money I paid them after complete failure on their part. We spent $20,000 and got literally nothing for our money besides wasted time and frustration.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Comentarios: I hated procure at first. It seemed overly complicated for no reason. However, after a year of utilizing it, it became apparent as to why it is a useful tool.
Puntos a favor:
Procure is very organized and creates a place to be able to manage projects conveniently.
Procure has a lot of functions that one must learn. The train classes that procure provides are definitely not enough. It take quite a long time to figure it out.
Reliable project management solution
Puntos a favor:
Management of project with procore is smooth and straightforward. You are able to share large volume data and documents. It's a tool that enhance team collaboration.
Other than the cost of acquiring the license, everything works fine.
Procore Review
Comentarios: I find procore to be an essential tool to help with real time information
Puntos a favor:
Ease of mobility in the field and exportability to excel and bluebeam
I disliked the scrolling features on the webpage on submittal and RFI pages.
Good product for project management - easy to use for all
Puntos a favor:
User friendly and easy to navigate with little to no training.
The markup function for PDF review isn't the most streamlined.
A shared collaboration tool - Procore insightful article
Comentarios: So I used procore at Builder.ai, when our project was initially setup, at a fast paced environment this product turned useful in collaboration with our team , contractors, stakeholders and clients. This turned out to be useful as it has an effective way to insight into the business and automate processes
Puntos a favor:
I like the way it integrates the full time employees with the contractors along with the stakeholders of the project and the business. Very insightful, detailed and effective tool
The costing is high, initial use requires some training which again involves cost

Great product!
Puntos a favor:
This app is very user friendly. It has all the functions someone in the construction industry needs.
The price is a bit higher than the company wanted to pay.
Procore Rocks!
Comentarios: Overall, I am impressed with the software when it comes to detailed organization of files and the intended work flows.
Puntos a favor:
I like the detailed format of the software that helps with contracts administration.
Drop-down menus can be simplified and easily clicked so that you don't actually pick the wrong link.
Powerful platform that is uesful for contractors and owners alike.
Comentarios: I have only used it from the A/E professional side, not the contractor or owner side
Puntos a favor:
Procore is an extensive construction management platform that combines most of the workflows from groundbreaking to punch list
From a liability standpoint, all of the data and documents that reside within Procore must also be duplicated on local networks to ensure redundant access.
An essential tool in my day-day cost management.
Comentarios: Initially I wasn't a fan, but the software has grown on me, and as I gained experience it has become an essential tool in my day-day cost management.
Puntos a favor:
The accuracy of measuring my profit margins.
Sometimes at little difficult to navigate.
Good for the big companies
Comentarios: Hard for small businesses to be competitive.
Puntos a favor:
The amount of jobs up for bid was a solid amount.
The pricing was way to high to make it worth it.